Industrial / Organizational Psychology

As of 2024,138 students have earned a graduate degree in psychology with a concentration in Industrial/Organizational psychology from Virginia Tech. Nearly all of these alumni remain professionally active in Industrial/Organizational Psychology or a closely related field.

Virginia Tech is a university known for its strong sense of community. Similarly, the faculty of the Industrial/Organizational concentration seek to instill this same sense of community; these values can be seen in our alumni who work together, who gather at both professional meetings and personal celebrations, and those who return to Blacksburg for Hokie football!

The concentration is a traditional Industrial/Organizational program that emphasizes the research process as the foundation of doctoral training. The curriculum of the Industrial/Organizational graduate concentration is consistent with the Guidelines for Education and Training at the Doctoral Level in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Division 14 of the American Psychological Association.)  In addition, our program provides students the opportunity to combine the technology of applied behavior analysis with I-O psychology.

The concentration in industrial-organizational psychology is based on the view that an industrial-organizational psychologist is both a scientist and a practitioner:

  • The industrial-organizational psychologist uses psychological perspectives and scientific research to develop and evaluate theories of work-related behaviors and organizational processes.
  • The industrial-organizational psychologist also uses a psychological perspective and scientific research to solve problems in a variety of work settings.

The concentration prepares students for:

  • Teaching and research at the university level.
  • Problem-solving at the individual, group, and organizational level in work settings.

GRE Scores are Optional for Fall 2024 AdmissionsFor applicants to the Industrial/Organizational Psychology training program, GRE scores are optional for the Fall 2024 admissions cycle.  For applicants reporting GRE scores, report them directly to Virginia Tech; the ETS Institution Code is 5859.