
Lavinia Uscatescu's WDBJ7 Interview Brings Awareness to Accommodating Neurodivergent Individuals During the Holidays

Congratulations to Lavinia Uscatescu for being featured in this TV interview with WDBJ7 about the importance of understanding and accommodating neurodivergent individuals this holiday season. 

Check out the full video below!


Congratulations to Robin Panneton & Vanessa Diaz on the University Exemplary Program Award

Department of Psychology faculty Robin Panneton and Vanessa Diaz (shown here with Abby Walker, Joe Eska, Stefon Flego, Natasha Staley, Aarnes Gudmestad and Daniel Hoek) are part of the Language Sciences Program that was recently awarded a $20,000 University Exemplary Program Award. This program involves faculty across the departments of Psychology, English, Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Theater Arts, and Education

Martha Ann Bell's Book, "Child Development at the Intersection of Emotion and Cognition," is Officially Published

Congratulations to Martha Ann Bell on the official publication of Child Development at the Intersection of Emotion and Cognition. According to APA Books, "This book incorporates new research demonstrating this integration during infancy and childhood and incorporates new research methods based on technological advances that have enhanced our ability to examine early human brain development." 

Learn more about the book here

Dr. Adrienne Romer Receives Young Investor Grant

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Adrienne Romer on receiving the NARSAD/BBRF Young Investor Grant, titled " Cerebellar Alterations as Prospective Predictors of General Psychopathology Risk During Adolescence." 

Learn more about the BBRF Young Investor Grants here:


Fiyinfunjah Dosumu Featured in VT News for Research Presentation

The Virginia Tech Department of Psychology would like to recognize fourth-year Ph.D. candidate Fiyinfunjah Dosumu for being featured in the VT News for her research presentation on 'The Importance of Physical Activity on Occupational Well-Being'. Congratulations, Fiyinfunjah!

Learn more and see the full coverage here: