Faculty, Department of Psychology
Director, Industrial/Organizational Psychology Graduate Program
Director, Work Stress and Recovery Lab
Director, Industrial/Organizational Psychology Graduate Program
Director, Work Stress and Recovery Lab
Office Hours
Monday 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. or by Appointment
Office Address
215 Williams Hall
Office Phone
Accepting Students?
Accepting students in Industrial Organizational Psychology
Research Center/Lab
Link(s) To Publications
Curriculum Vitae
Short Bio
My research focuses on investigating how employees perceive, react to, and recover from work stress both at home and during the workday. Currently, my research program consists of three major streams of research, comprising the investigation of (1) commuting spillover (the carryover of workday stress reactions into the commuting environment), (2) work recovery (the replenishment of cognitive and energetic resources depleted by working during time away from work), and (3) employee physical activity. Active research projects include studies targeted at understanding how work stress and recovery processes may differ in less traditional occupational contexts (i.e., employees who don't tend to work weekdays from 9-to-5), the implications of off-job reactions to work stress for employee commuting safety, and how employee physical activity influences criteria relevant to performance in job and family life.
- Off-job reactions to work stress
- Work recovery
- Commuting
- Employee Physical Activity
Recent Courses Taught
- PSYC 4024 - Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- PSYC 5104 - Seminar in Organizational Psychology
- PSYC 6934 - Occupational Health Psychology
- PSYC 6934 - The Work / Non-Work Interface
Select Publications
- Sloan, M.E., Busick, C., Mitropoulos, T., Dosumu, F., & Calderwood, C. (in press). A matter of timing? A systematic review of work scheduling dynamics in work recovery research and applications. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
- Hickman, L., Liff, J., Rottman, C., & Calderwood, C. (in press). The effects of training sample size, ground truth reliability, and NLP method on language-based automatic interview scores’ convergent validity evidence. Organizational Research Methods.
- Ezerins, M., Simon, L.S., Gabriel, A.S., Calderwood, C., Vogus, T.J., & Rosen, C.C. (2024). Autism and employment: A review of the ‘new frontier’ of diversity research. Journal of Management, 50(3), 1102 - 1144.
- Wiese, C.W., & Calderwood, C. (2023). Planes, trains, and automobiles: Commuting in the 2020s and beyond. Organizational Psychology Review, 13(1), 3 – 10.
- Ezerins, M., Simon, L.S., Gabriel, A.S., Calderwood, C., Vogus, T.J., & Rosen, C.C. (2023). From niche to contribution: A reconsideration of fit to foster inclusion across neurotypes. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 16, 41 – 44.
- Calderwood, C., Meyer, R.D., & Minnen, M.E. (2023). Situational strength as a lens to understand the strain implications of extra-normative work. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38, 637 – 655.
- Muir, C.P., Calderwood, C., & Boncoeur, O.D. (2023). Matches measure: A visual scale of job burnout. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(6), 977 – 1000.
- Calderwood, C., Breaux, R., Ten Brummelhuis, L.L., Mitropoulos, T.E., & Swanson, C.S. (2022). When daily challenges become too much during COVID-19: Implications of family and work demands for work – life balance among parents of children with special needs. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 27(5), 516 – 527.
- Ten Brummelhuis, L.L., Calderwood, C., Rosen, C.C., & Gabriel, A.S. (2022). Is physical activity before the end of the workday a drain or a gain? Daily implications on work focus in regular exercisers. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(10), 1864 - 1877.
- Calderwood, C., Minnen, M., Phetmisy, C., Kidwell, K., French, K.A., & King, D.D. (2022). Understanding how family demands impair health behaviors in working sole mothers: The role of perceived control over leisure time. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 14(2), 362 - 382.
- Gabriel, A.S., Arena, D., Calderwood, C., Campbell, J.T., Chawla, N., Ezerins, M., Jones, K.P., Klotz, A.C., Leigh, A., MacGowan, R.L., Moran, C.M., Nag, D., Rogers, K.M., Rosen, C.C., Shockley, K.M., Simon, L.L., & Zipay, K.P. (2022). Building thriving workforces from the top down: A call for organizations to proactively manage employee well-being. In M.R. Buckley, A.R. Wheeler, J.E. Baur, & J.R.B. Halbesleben (Eds.), Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Vol. 39 (pp. 205 - 273). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Rost, E., Glasgow, T., & Calderwood, C. (2021). Active today, replenished tomorrow? How daily physical activity diminishes next-morning depletion. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 13(1), 219-238.
- Minnen, M.E., Mitropoulos, T., Rosenblatt, A., & Calderwood, C. (2021) The incessant inbox: Evaluating the relevance of after-hours e-mail characteristics for work-related rumination and well-being. Stress and Health, 37, 341-352.
- Calderwood, C., Gabriel, A.S., Ten Brummelhuis, L.L., Rosen, C.C., & Rost, E. (2021). Understanding the relationship between workday physical activity and work-life balance: A within-person approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(8), 1239-1249.
- Calderwood, C., Ten Brummelhuis, L.L., Patel, A., Watkins, T., Gabriel, A.S., & Rosen, C.C. (2021). Employee physical activity: A multidisciplinary integrative review. Journal of Management, 47(1), 144-170.
- Calderwood, C., & Mitropoulos, T. (2021). Commuting spillover: A systematic review and agenda for research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(2), 162-187.
- Bennett, A.A., Gabriel, A.S., & Calderwood, C. (2020). Examining the interplay of micro-break durations and activities for employee outcomes: A mixed-methods investigation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 25(2), 126-142.
- Gabriel, A.S., Calderwood, C., Dahling, J.J., Bennett, A.A., Trougakos, J.P., & Wong, E.M. (2019). Examining recovery experiences among working college students: A person-centered study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 115, 103329.
- Calderwood, C., & Ackerman, P.L. (2019). Modeling intra-individual variation in unsafe driving in a naturalistic commuting environment. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24(4), 423-437.
- Calderwood, C., Bennett, A.A., Gabriel, A.S., Trougakos, J.P., & Dahling, J.J. (2018). Too anxious to help? Off-job affective rumination as a linking mechanism between work anxiety and helping. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(3), 681 - 687.
- Calderwood, C., & Gabriel, A.S. (2017). Thriving at school and succeeding at work? A demands-resources view of spillover processes in working students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 103, 1 - 13.
- B.S., Psychology, Tulane University (2006)
- M.S., Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology (2009)
- Ph.D., Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology (2012)