Hsu Lab

Faculty Director

About Us

The Hsu lab studies organizational behaviors through the lenses of personality and individual differences.


Ning Hsu | Assistant Professor


Rebecca Reed | PhD student


Zach Conger | PhD student


Sam Kalmar | PhD student

Select Publications and Presentations

  • Conger, J. Z.*, Sferrella, A., Masick, K., & Hsu, N. (April, 2024). Skynet, or Free Labor? Automating Military Operations with Large Language Models. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.

  • Reed, R. C.*, Hsu, N., & Newman, D. A. (April, 2024). Who helps? The role of EI, Agency, and Communion. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.