Faculty, Department of Psychology
Faculty, Developmental Science
Faculty/Consultant, Child Study Center
Director, i-Language Environment Attention Parenting (iLEAP) Laboratory
Member, Faculty of Health Sciences
Faculty, Developmental Science
Faculty/Consultant, Child Study Center
Director, i-Language Environment Attention Parenting (iLEAP) Laboratory
Member, Faculty of Health Sciences
Office Hours
Drop-In Office Hours:
Monday 1:30 – 3:00pm (in person or on zoom)
Tuesday 10:15 - 11:15am (zoom only)
Wednesday 11:00am – 12:00pm (in person or on zoom)
Or by appointment (email panneton@vt.edu)
Drop-In Office Hours:
Monday 1:30 – 3:00pm (in person or on zoom)
Tuesday 10:15 - 11:15am (zoom only)
Wednesday 11:00am – 12:00pm (in person or on zoom)
Or by appointment (email panneton@vt.edu)
Office Address
317 Williams Hall
Office Phone
Accepting Students?
Not currently accepting students
Research Center/Lab
Link(s) To Publications
Curriculum Vitae
Short Bio
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, College of Science, Virginia Tech (May, 2017 - October, 2020)
Associate Professor, Virginia Tech (1995 - present)
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech (1989 - 1995)
Fulbright Faculty Member (2008 - present)
Associate Professor, Virginia Tech (1995 - present)
Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech (1989 - 1995)
Fulbright Faculty Member (2008 - present)
- Infants' attention to multimodal aspects of speech
- Social engagement and emerging language skills
- Parenting characteristics relations to perception of objects and speech
- Eye tracking and dynamic language processing
Recent Courses Taught
- Graduate Courses:
- PSYC 6944: Development in Poverty
- PSYC 6944: Social Attention in Typical and Atypical Development
- PSYC 6944: Multisensory Influences on Infant and Toddler Cognition
- PSYC 6944: Genetic and Epigenetic Influences in Development
- PSYC 6944: Development of Infants' Speech Perception
- PSYC 5984: Developmental Plasticity (new in Fall 2022)
- Undergraduate Courses:
- PSYC 3984: Careers in Psychology
- PSYC 4364: The Dependent Gene
- PSYC 4134: Language Development
- PSYC 4034_Special Topics in Developmental Psychology: Prenatal and Early Infant Development
Select Publications
Panneton, R., Ostroff, W., Bhullar, N., & Netto, M. (2024). Plasticity in older infants' perception of phonetic contrasts: The role of selective attention in context. Infancy. DOI: 10.1111/infa.12620.
- Panneton, R., Cristia, A., Taylor, C., & Moon, C. (2023). Positive valence contributes to hyperarticulation in maternal speech to infants and puppies. Journal of Child Language, doi:10.1017/S0305000923000296.
- Bruce, M., Panneton, R., & Taylor, C. (2022). Social multisensory integration and maternal sensitivity are related to each other and predictive of expressive vocabulary in 24-month-olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 214, 105304. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105304.
- Panneton, R., Bremner, G., & Johnson, S. (2020). Infancy studies come of age: Jacques Mehler’s influence on the importance of perinatal experience for early language learning. Cognition, available online. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104543
- McFayden, T., & Panneton, R. P., Bruce, M., & Taylor, C. (2020). Exploring priming effects of social and non-social attention getters on older infants’ preferences for infant-directed speech. Infant Behavior and Development, 59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2020.101431
- Hu, M., Shealy, T., Grohs, J., & Panneton, R. (2019). Empirical evidence that concept mapping reduces neurocognitive effort during concept generation for sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.117815
- Panneton, R., Bruce, M., McFayden, T., & Taylor, C. (2019). Preverbal development and speech perception during infancy. In J. Benson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development, Second Edition. Elsevier.
- Frank, M. C., Bergelson, E., Bergmann, C., Byers-Heinlein, K., Cristia, A., Cusack, R., Dyck, K., Floccia, C., Gervain, J., Gonzalez, N., Hamlin, J. K., Hannon, E. E., Kellier, D., Kline, C., Lew-Williams, C., Nazzi, T., Panneton, R., Rabagliati, H., Rennels, J., Seidl, A., Soderstrom, Yurovsky, D. (2019). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, PsyArXiv, September 23, 2019. Doi: 10.31234/osf.io/s98ab
- Frank, M. Bergelson, E., Bergmann, C., Cristia, A., Floccia, C., Gervain, J., Hamlin, J.K., Hannon, E., Kline, M., Levelt, C., Lew-Williams, C., Nazzi, T., Panneton, R., Rabagliati, H., Soderstrom, M., Sullivan, J., Waxman, S., & Yurovsky, D. (2017). A collaborative approach to infant research: Promoting reproducibility, best practices, and theory-building. Infancy, 22, 421-435. DOI: 10.1111/infa.12182
- Shealy, T., Grohs, J., Hu, M., Maczka, D., Panneton, R. (2017). Investigating design cognition during brainstorming tasks with freshmen and senior engineering students using functional near infrared spectroscopy. American Society of Engineering Education, Paper ID #18932.
- Deater-Deckard, K., & Panneton, R. (2017). Parenting stress and early child development: Adaptive and maladaptive outcomes. Springer Publishing.
- Deater-Deckard, K., & Panneton, R. (2017). Unearthing the developmental and intergenerational dynamics of stress in parent and child functioning. In K. Deater-Deckard & R. Panneton (Eds.), Parenting stress and early child development: Adaptive and maladaptive outcomes. Springer Publishing.
- Heck, A., Panneton, R., & Mills-Smith, L. (2015). Bimodal dynamics of faces and voices influence older infants’ perception of emotion. Infancy, in press. DOI: 10.1111/infa.12121.
- Mills-Smith, L., Spangler, D. P., Panneton, R., & Fritz, M.S. (2015). A missed opportunity for clarity: Problems in the reporting of effect size estimates in infant developmental science. Infancy, 20, 416-432. DOI:10.1111/infa.12078.
- White, S., Maddox, B., & Panneton, R. (2015). Fear of negative evaluation influences eye gaze in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A pilot study. Journal of Autism Development Disorders. DOI 10.1007/s10803-014-2349-6.
- Kitamura, C., Panneton, R., & Best, C. (2013). The development of language constancy: Attention to native versus non-native accents. Child Development, 84, 1686-1700.
- Salley, B., Panneton, R. K., & Colombo, J. (2013). Separable attentional predictors of language outcome. Infancy, 18, 462-489.
- Panneton, R., & Newman, R. (2011). Development of speech perception. In L. A. Werner, R. R. Fay & H. N. Popper (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Auditory Research: Human auditory development, 42, 197-222.
- Butler, J., Floccia, C. Goslin, J., & Panneton, R. (2011). Infants’ discrimination of familiar and unfamiliar accents in speech. Infancy, 16, 392-417.
- Panneton, R., McIlreavy, M., & Bhullar, N. (2008). Preverbal development and speech perception during infancy.In M. M. Haith and J. Benson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Infant and Early Childhood Development. : Elsevier.
- Panneton, R., Kitamura, C., Mattock, K., & Burnham, D. (2006). Slow speech enhances younger but not older infants' perception of vocal emotion. Research in Human Development, Special Issue: The ecology of emotion in parenting relationships, 3, 7-19.
- McCartney, J., & Panneton, R. (2005). Four-month-olds’ discrimination of voice changes in multimodal displays as a function of discrimination protocol. Infancy, 7, 163-182.
- Ward, C.D., & Cooper, R. P. (1999). A lack of evidence in four-month-old human infants for paternal voice preference. Developmental Psychobiology, 35, 29-60.
- Cooper, R. P. (1997). An ecological approach to infants' perception of intonation contours as meaningful aspects of speech.. In C. Dent-Read & P. Zukow-Goldring (Eds.), Evolving explanations of development: Ecological approaches to organism-environment systems (pp. 55-85). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.
- Cooper, R. P., Abraham, J., Berman, S., & Staska, M. (1997). The development of infant preference for motherese.. Infant Behavior and Development, 20, 477-488.
- Marshall-Baker, A., Lickliter, R., & Panneton-Cooper, R. (1997). Prolonged exposure to a visual pattern may promote behavioral organization in preterm infants. Journal of Neonatal and Perinatal Nursing, 12, 50-62.
- Kaplan, P., Goldstein, M., Huckeby, E., & Panneton-Cooper, R. (1995). Habituation, sensitization, and infants' responses to motherese speech. Developmental Psychobiology, 28, 45-57.
- Kaplan, P. S., Huckeby, E. R., Goldstein, M. H., Owren, M. J., & Panneton-Cooper, R. (1995). Dishabituation of visual attention by infant- vs. adult-directed speech:Effects of frequency modulation and spectral properties.Infant Behavior and Development, 18, 209-223.
- Panneton-Cooper, R., & Aslin, R. N. (1994). Developmental differences in infant attention to the spectral properties of infant-directed speech. Child Development, 65, 1663-1677.
- Panneton-Cooper, R. (1993). The effect of prosody on young infants' speech perception. In C. Rovee-Collier & L. P. Lipsitt (Eds.), Advances in infancy research,volume 8, pp. 137-167. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
- Moon, C., Panneton-Cooper, R., & Fifer, W. P. (1993). Two-day-olds prefer their native language. Infant Behavior and Development, 16, 495-500.
- Panneton-Cooper, R., & Aslin, R. N. (1990). Preference for infant-directed speech within the first month after birth. Child Development, 61, 1584-1595.
- Panneton-Cooper, R., & Aslin, R. N. (1989). The language environment of the young infant: Implications for early perceptual development (Special issue on infant perception). The Canadian Journal of Psychology, 43, 247-265.