Department of Psychology Colloquium Series: Dr. Louis Tay

End Date and Time
Event Location
1045 Pamplin
Tay picture

Louis Tay is an Associate Professor in Industrial-Organizational Psychology at Purdue University. His substantive research interests involve well-being, character, and vocational interests within and outside the workplace. He has contributed to methodological research in the areas of construct validation, scale response processes, and measurement. His work has been published in journals such as Nature Human Behavior, Psychological Bulletin, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Personnel Psychology. He was awarded the 2015 Association for Psychological Science Rising Star Award, the 2016 Ruut Veenhoven Award from the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization, and the 2016 Academy of Management Sage Publications/RMD/CARMA Early Career Achievement Award. He is currently an Associate Editor at Organizational Research Methods.

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