New IO Faculty Member's Article Published in Journal of Applied Psychology

Louis Hickman, Ph.D., recently had an article published in Journal of Applied Psychology. The article titled, "Automated Video Interview Personality Assessments: Reliability, Validity, and Generalizability Investigations"  was highlighted in a recent post, "Using Computers to Assess Video Interviews: Does it Work?" 

Dr. Hickman has recently joined Virginia Tech as a IO faculty member. Prior to Virginia Tech, Dr. Hickman was a postdoctoral researcher for The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He earned his B.A. from Purdue University with a double major in English and Creative Writing and double minor in Film and History. Dr. Hickman then went on to earn his M.S. from Purdue in Computer and Information Technology with Specialization in Natural Language Processing. Dr. Hickman holds his Ph.D. in Technology, with cognate area Industrial-Organizational Psychology and a Certificate in Applied Statistics from the Department of Statistics from Purdue.

Welcome, Dr. Hickman, and congratulations!